5 Weird Celebrity Skin Secrets

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Women who are conscious of how they look (and most if not all, women) take sufficient time to not only take care of themselves but also look out for emerging trends in the world of fashion and beauty especially the ones that their favorite celebrities endorse – no matter how weird they might seem.

With that in mind, here are 5 of the weirdest celebrity skin secrets:

#1: Demi Moore
At the age of 50, Demi looks so much more younger than her peers. She recently admitted that this was because of a ‘leech therapy’ detox that cleans her blood, thus benefiting her health and skin too.

#2: Kate Hudson
Kate Hudson’s way of taking care of her skin is rather simplistic. Her approach is to dip her face in an ice bath for an extended period of time so as to revive her skin’s glow.

#3: Cameron Diaz
Cameron Diaz also has a simple solution for pimples: a lancer, according to Gucci Westman. After she knicks the pimple, she then applies Neosporin and Visine to remove the redness and swelling.

#4: Salma Hayek
Detoxing regularly seems to be Salma Hayek’s thing – a practice that she has maintained for almost 15 years now. The reason why she is big on this practice of juice cleanses is because her skin begins to glow after the third day. It is also the reason why she co-founded juice cleanse delivery service known as CoolerCleanse in 2008.

#5: Emma Stone
Having to live with a few allergies, Emma Stone uses grapeseed oil as moisturizer which one can purchase from any grocery store. In fact, she uses it after bathing and both during the day and at night as well. As she puts it, “I pretty much smell like grape all the time”.

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